For as quickly as we devoured our dinner, it sure took a long time to clean up!
As I reflect upon 2008, I have a lot to be thankful for and realize how lucky we are and how we are continually blessed by friends and family. Where I fall short is figuring out how to teach my children (specifically Maddie) how to be thankful...any ideas?
Paul and I celebrated the 9th anniversary of our first date on Black Friday by our traditional visit to the Children's Museum...with children. Finn was the brave one willing to have his picture taken with Santa...
cornbread crack mix...that must have been a wild day.
I think teaching thanksgiving is going to be a life long pursuit. Sometimes I get so frustrated when Maegan is greedy and unthankful. Then I have to remind myself that she is 5 and this is going to take awhile!
I ditto Carol! It'll take a lifetime. We're still working on it ourselves, aren't we? :-) Never give up trying! They are listening and grasping so much more than it seems!
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