The past year of my life has been overwhelming at times, full of change, lots of distance traveled, new friends made, full of joy...we made it!
Yesterday we celebrated Finn's first birthday and the 2nd anniversary of when we first learned about Sawyer. To celebrate, we had friends and family over for a cookout and water fun for the kids. It was so neat to see how our friends have changed this past year - several have had a baby, some are pregnant, some newly married, and some have moved close to us, some have moved away and some moved and have moved back again!
As I reflect on the past year of Finn's life, I see how God has had a hand in each and every day of his growth. He gave Finn two amazing sisters who love him (sometimes too much) and lots of extended family to love him here in Indiana as well as far away. Yes, our house at times is "organized chaos." I've had to learn to let go of my neat and tidy habit in exchange for tripping over toys, piles of laundry forgotten to be folded, something gross stuck to one of the light bulbs over the kitchen table, Sawyer peeing on the carpet instead of the potty...all worth the hugs, smiles, cuddles and giggles of my 3 precious gifts. God gave Finn a laid back disposition amidst a not so laid back house of women. He knew what He was doing! God gave Finn the ability to melt his mommy's heart at his the sound of his infectious giggle, silly shaking of the head or sad little lip pout when he's sad, hurt or scared. God knew that Finn would gain weight even though Finn decided that food was for the birds and nursing and being on the move was much better than any can of formula our doctor could prescribe.
God's continued faithfulness as our family grows and changes continues to astonish me as I look back and reflect upon the past year. Take some time to reflect on the past year of your life - how has God had a hand in your life? What did He know that you didn't?